Everybody plays blind and only sees their gain. This is te testimony of the peñoneros who viewed with great concern the letter of the National Mining Agency with the republic presidency's slogan "all together for a new country" addressed to the mayor of the municipality of El Peñón Francisco Jesús Cruz Guiza. In this letter the ANM informs his office that the first exploratory studies were initiated to conduct mining activities in the territory over the next 30 days.
Luz Marina Galeano remained quadriplegic 29 years ago , she is a victim of violence by the armed groups that plagued the population of El Peñón for those dates. She says were the "Bobina Roja" today are called "Bacrim" or paramilitaries". The greatest fear of Doña Luz Marina is that violence of which they barely managed to survive , return to the population as a result of mining, however, have begun to hear rumors that in the village of Rio Blanco few km away from El Peñón neither the police can approach without army support to that area for safety. The reports that police have command of El Peñón is that they have seen movements of these paramilitary groups in that area , rumor that very few inhabitants of the municipality dare to confirm.